Kruglyk V.S. Efficient organization of the content of vocational training to improve the level of qualification of the future web programmers/ Kruglyk V.S.,Osadchyy V.V. // Educational Technology & Societ : [Scientometric publications.]. - 2015. – 4(18). – 540-558. – ISSN 1436-4522.
Kruglyk V.S. Teaching algorithmization and programming using python language /Kruglyk V., Lvov M.  // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2014. - Vol. 20 - P. 13 - 23. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. The organization of joint work of students on degree project / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2014. - Vol. 18 - P. 90 - 95. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. The semantic electronic booksand features of their introduction / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.]- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2013. - Vol. 15 - P. 179 - 184. (sole, professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. The concept of software supporting learning languages and programming technologies / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2013. - Vol. 16 - P. 95 - 99. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. Requirements to the information system for students and teachers / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2013. - Vol. 14 - P. 80 - 85. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. Requirements to student and teacher information system / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.]. - Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2013. – Vol. 14. – P. 80 – 85. (sole, professional publications, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05/03)
Kruglyk V.S. Electronic textbook as the main carrier of educational content / V.S. Kruglyk, M.O. Vinnyk // Innovative technologies in education: materials from VIII Intern. scientific - practical conference: Yalta, 27-29 September 2012 - Yalta: RVV KGU, 2012. - P. 176 - 177.
Kruglyk V.S. Scientific and research work as a means of students' professional competences of IT professions / V.S. Kruglyk, M.O. Vinnyk, A.A. Plechyy // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2012. - Vol. 13 - P. 128 - 132. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. Concept of an information system Technical Support / V.S. Kruglyk, A.A. Plechyy // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.]. - Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2012. - Vol. 12 - P. 61 - 66. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. Choosing the first educational programming language / V. Kruglyk, M. Lvov // ICT in education, research and industrial applications: integration, harmonization and knowledge transfer: the 8th International Conference ICTERI 2012 (June 6-10, 2012, Kherson): [Electronic resource]. – Kherson, 2012. – P. 188 – 198.
Abstract. The article describes requirements to educational programming languages and considers the use of Python as the first programming language. The issues of introduction of this programming language into teaching and replacing Pascal by Python are examined. The advantages of such approach are regarded. The comparison of popular programming languages is represented from the point of view of their convenience of use for teaching algorithmization and programming.
Keywords: Educational programming language, Python, Pascal, first programming language.
Key Terms: Didactics, CompetenceFormationProcess, InformationCommunicationTechnology, TeachingMethodology
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Kruglyk V.S. Information system of software distribution / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.]. - Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2011. - Vol.9. - P. 168-173. (sole, professional publications, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05/03)
Kruglyk V.S. Graduation project as a final part of the preparation of programmers / V.S. Kruglyk // Pedagogical sciences : [collection of scientific works / editor Barbinа E.S., Fedyaeva V.L. etc.] - Vol. XLII. - Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2011. - P. 268 - 271. (sole, professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 10.02.2010 № 1-05 / 1)
Kruglyk V.S. Peculiarities of programmatic and methodical complex “Terra Mathematica” / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.]. - Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2010. - Vol.8. - P.78-82. (sole, professional publications, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 14.04.10 №1-05 / 03)
Kruglyk V.S. Efficient use of «Solving tasks’ environment» in distance learning system “WebAlmir” duiring studying linear algebra /V.S. Kruglyk , M.V. Maximovich // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2009. - Vol. 3 - P. 256 - 260.
Kruglyk V.S. The hierarchy of component for tasks solution in the course of “linear algebra” /V.S. Kruglyk Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2009. - Vol. 3 - P. 236 - 242.
Kruglyk V.S. Methodical features of construction an environment of distance learning "WebAlmir" / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2008. - Vol. 1 - P. 88 - 93.
Kruglyk V.S. Modern approaches to using information and communication technologies in education / V.S. Kruglyk // Information technologies in education: [collection of scientific works / editor in chief Spivakovskyy O.V.etc.].- Kherson: KSU Publishing House, 2008. - Vol. 2 - P. 114 - 119.
Kruglyk V.S. The concept of modern educational software / V.S.Kruglyk // Information technologies and means of teaching [electronic resource] // Electronic scientific professional publication. - 2007. - № 3. - Access: [] (professional publication SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 12.04.2007 № 1-05 / 4)
Kruglyk V.S. Doswiadczenia opracowania oprogramowania edukacyjnego / V.S. Kruglyk, A. Spivakovskyy, M. L’vov, N. Kushnir, A. Grabowski   // Informatyka w edukacji I kulturze: textbook. – Cieszyn, 2005. – P. 28 – 35.
Kruglyk V.S. Conception, architecture, implementation of linear algebra distance learning system “WebAlmir” / V.S. Kruglyk,A.V. Spivakovskyy// Computer simulation in information and communication engineering CSICE’o5: European Conference Materials. –Sofia, Bulgaria: King, 2005. – P. 163 – 166.
Kruglyk V.S. Functional requirements, architecture and prototype of systems of academic subject studying support / V.S. Kruglyk,A.V. Spivakovsykyy, M.S. L’vov //Computer simulation in information and communication engineering CSICE’o5: European Conference Materials. – Sofia, Bulgaria: King, 2005. – P. 149 – 154.
Kruglyk V.S. Technologies of software development that support component-oriented approach /V.S. Kruglyk, A.V. Spivakovskyy // The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University`s scientific journal . Vol. №2. Computer-oriented training system: collection of scientific works / edits. - K .: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University , 2005. - №2 (9). - P. 31 - 42. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 06/30/04)
Kruglyk V.S. Distance learning system "WebAlmir": conception and realization /V.S. Kruglyk // The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University`s scientific journal . Vol. №2. Computer-oriented training system: collection of scientific works / edits. - K .: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University , 2005. - №3 (10). - P. 119 - 128. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 06/30/04)
Kruglyk V.S. Workplace teacher in modern information system of management of educational process / /V.S. Kruglyk, M.S. Lvov, A.V. Spivakovskyy // The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University`s scientific journal . Vol. №2. Computer-oriented training system: collection of scientific works / edits. - K .: National Pedagogical Dragomanov University , 2005. - №3 (10). - P. 153 - 159. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 06/30/04)
Kruglyk V.S. The role of the educational software in the organization of distance learning courses /V.S.Kruglyk, S.M. Tolkunov // New information technologies in education for everybody: First international conference (29 - 30 May 2006, the International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems NAS and MES of Ukraine, Kyiv): collection of works. - Kyiv, 2006. - P. 519 - 525.
Kruglyk V.S. Distance learning system "WebAlmir": conception and realization / VS Kruglyk // Informatyka w edukacji I kulturze: Textbook. - Cieszyn, 2005. - P. 49 - 55.
Kruglyk V.S. The creation distant learning systems based on component-oriented approach / V.S. Kruglyk // Informatics and computer support for disciplines in secondary and high school: National scientific and practical conference materials (23 - 26 June 2004, Berdyansk). - Berdyansk, 2004. - P. 60 - 62.
Kruglyk V.S. The hierarchy of components of unleashing tasks of the course "The linear Algebra" / V.S. Kruglyk, A.V. Spivakovskyy // Computer in school and family. - 2004. - №7.- P. 22-27. (professional publication, SAC Ukraine Presidium Decree of 09.06.1999 № 1-05 /7)
Kruglyk V.S. The properties of the ternary algebra / V.S. Kruglyk, I.I. Miller // National scientific and practical Conference for Students (20-21 April 2001, Kherson): Сollection of materials. - Kherson, 2001. - P. 186 - 191.