Introduction to algorithms and programming with Python. / Kruglyk V.S., Lvov M.S., Spyvakovskyy A.V. - Kherson: Ailant, 2015.-272 p. (recommended by the Academic Council of KSU, Minutes №12 dated 26 May 2014).
Introduction to web applications development. Tutorial / Osadchyy V.V., Kruglyk V.S. – Melitopol : LLC "Publishing house MMD", 2012. – 540p. (recommended by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, letter MONMSU №1 / 11-955 of 26.01.2012)
IT tools for communication. Textbook / Kruglyk V.S., Vinnyk M.O. - Kherson: LLC "PKF" Star "LTD", 2014. - 272 p. (recommended by the Academic Council of KSU, Minutes №12 dated 26 May 2014).